Thursday, December 18, 2008

snow much fun

We just got back from visiting the Colorado Austins, and we had a GREAT time!! We got to play in the snow and go to the zoo and had all kinds of fun with the cousins!

Macey-3 1/2, Maggie- 2 in February, and Mallory-2 in May

This is Mallory babysitting, she's actually sitting on her baby!

Unfortunately, Maggie takes after her mother when it comes to bed head.

Macey and Uncle Rob hanging out.

Maggie and Mallo have a pretty similar appetite, and that very attractive style of 'fist feeding' when they're eating something delicious like berries!!!!

Even though Maggie brought a wonderful cough and snotty nose to share with her cousins, she still had a little energy left to try to keep up with Mallory. Who need snow or Christmas presents when you can jump off steps??
I had a really hard time trying to get a good picture of them all together- the older they are, the faster they move! The girls are watching a movie, but let's pretend this is a picture of them all watching the Steeler's game, even though they only televised the last 3 minutes out there!

Uncle Chris and Mallory

Daddy and Maggie- she was ready to go in at this point, it was very, very cold that day!

Rub a dub dub, three M's in a tub!

Maggie and Mallo snackin at the zoo.

The sea lions were singing Christmas carols for us!

Checking out the animals at the Denver Zoo. This is the best zoo for kids that I have ever been to! We saw so many animals, up so close, it was great- and Auntie Paige said usually there are so many more out! They have what is called 'Zoo Lights' during the holidays. We got to the zoo at 4 PM and saw quite a few animals- giraffes, peacocks, buffaloe, hyenas, baby snow leopards, a hippo, the elephants- just to name a few. Then, as it got dark, all the lights came on, and it was really cool! Then we got to ride the carousel and the train, it was a great night, especially since we beat the huge crowd!

Ring around the rosies with Uncle Chris.

Just a lucky shot of the three of them together, I'm pretty sure we were jumping off stairs again!!
We had a great visit, couldn't have asked for a more perfect time ( unless we could have kept Maggie healthy, and not passed on the hacking cough and neon snot nose to Mallo.) I hope she's feeling better!!! Thanks again, Auntie Cool Paige and Uncle Chris for letting us disrupt your lives for an extended weekend! We had a blast!!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Thanksgiving 200ate

This Thanksgiving, the turkey didn't get stuffed, but our house sure did!  We had the entire Cheney clan, that's 10 adults and 2 children!  The weather cooperated nicely, so during the day we could actually have a little elbow room.  We ended up eating the turkeys (one roasted and one deep-fried) outside on the deck for my ghetto/buffet-style linner on Friday afternoon.  I think everyone had a great time, with the exception of the crappy drives home on Sunday.
Grandma, Will, TT, and Maggie going for a Thanksgiving Day walk.

Maggie and Will in a traffic jam, pretty sure Will is giving Officer Austin the finger.
(We were testing out cousin Garret's police cruiser.)

Maggie and Will having a good time in the tub

It's hard to tell in this post, but Will has the cutest smile ever in this picture!

The Petty Family joined us for the train ride with Santa on Saturday.  Unlike our visit with Santa at the mall last Friday, Maggie had no tears this time, probably because she didn't have to sit on his lap, and he was handing out candy canes, not some stupid 3D glasses.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Just too busy being fabulous!

It's been unseasonably cold for us recently- that means we bust out anything we have for winter even though it's still highs around 50 degrees or so. Look out, hollywood...she's bringing sexy back, YEAH!

Daddy was doing something to make her laugh....

I had a great helper this weekend, we're getting ready for the big Thanksgiving feast, making cranberry sauce.
Some of the cranberries were individually, personally, ground by Maggie (don't worry, we didn't use those ones.) The recipe may be short on orange slices, though, she sampled quite a few of those, just to make sure they were okay to use.

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Good weekend.....

Hope you had half the fun we had this weekend! Maggie and I raked some leaves on the front and tail end of it, these are some pictures from last Friday. She has a pretty good time in the leaves! We even did some tarp rides yesterday. ( Along with the leaves 'we' raked in the backyard, Maggie jumps on the middle of the tarp and all is hauled up to the street in front of the house. ) I was too tired to take any pictures of that.

When Rob got home from work, we headed to Emerald Isle! Rob's old neighbor, Tom, from Park Ridge Lane in Pittsburgh invited us to stay at their beach house for the weekend...they even provided us with PERFECT weather, even for November!

Kevin and Tom- owners of the 'Little Blue Heron'. Thanks again, guys, for having us!!!

While family in Ohio witnessed flurries, we worked on a North Carolina version of a winter favorite!
Sorry if it seems like we are bragging, we truly are jealous of your snowmen in December, but not necessarily the ones you make in March or April.

We had a really nice time at the beach, it was a great weekend. We had a little bit of excitement this morning, as well. I actually woke up before Maggie, and decided to take my shower and get the coffee made. When I went upstairs to get dressed and get Maggie out of her crib, I didn't have to....she was already out and playing on the floor with her school bus. I asked Rob if he was playing some kind of trick on me, but that was not the case. We now have a little escape artist on our hands. I think we're in trouble...