Friday, December 5, 2008

Thanksgiving 200ate

This Thanksgiving, the turkey didn't get stuffed, but our house sure did!  We had the entire Cheney clan, that's 10 adults and 2 children!  The weather cooperated nicely, so during the day we could actually have a little elbow room.  We ended up eating the turkeys (one roasted and one deep-fried) outside on the deck for my ghetto/buffet-style linner on Friday afternoon.  I think everyone had a great time, with the exception of the crappy drives home on Sunday.
Grandma, Will, TT, and Maggie going for a Thanksgiving Day walk.

Maggie and Will in a traffic jam, pretty sure Will is giving Officer Austin the finger.
(We were testing out cousin Garret's police cruiser.)

Maggie and Will having a good time in the tub

It's hard to tell in this post, but Will has the cutest smile ever in this picture!

The Petty Family joined us for the train ride with Santa on Saturday.  Unlike our visit with Santa at the mall last Friday, Maggie had no tears this time, probably because she didn't have to sit on his lap, and he was handing out candy canes, not some stupid 3D glasses.

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