Saturday, February 1, 2014

Christmastime/December fun

Libby cheesing it up with her favorite mouse at Grandma's House.

We went to see a play adapted from a book series that Maggie really enjoys:
Junie B. Jones in Jingle Bells, Batman Smells.  Libby wanted to wait in line to get her picture taken with the star.

Maggie is busy cranking out the cranberry sauce- pretty sure this photo is a little out of place and belongs with the turkey pictures.  Also, Rob is sporting his movember beard.

Apex has its Christmas parade on a Saturday night in December.  There are lots of bright lights on floats and dancers and the marching bands play all the best Christmas music.  At the very end, Santa is waving and 'ho, ho, hoing' to all the boys and girls of Apex.  Well, we shouted out to Santa, "Hi Santa, it's Maggie and Libby from Indian Trail!"  And Santa shouted back something about how they needed to work on being nice, and we think he might have been talking to Libby, because the next morning he dropped off a box of donuts for Maggie!

Maggie and Libby got to make s'mores at the Chikfila holiday celebration.
Cracking up at Herbie's continued antics.  (PS, that dude moved EVERY SINGLE night he was here this year.  Back pat, please.)

"Mary" Christmas in all of her glory.  If you can't tell, she has a candy cane in her mouth, Grandma's stockings on her feet, and I can guarantee whe was singing a carol!

Throwing 'snowballs' with TT!

And here we are back in Pittsburgh....

We went to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, here the girls are digging for dinosaur bones.

Now we're over in Avon, visiting Aunt Erin and Uncle Joe at their new house.  It was almost like another Christmas, they still had their pretty tree up, and we woke up to a very pretty blanket of snow!  And they have an awesome basement, which would make every day Christmas in my world!

More fun in the snow back at the Mt. Lebanon playground behind Gamma's house.

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