Monday, August 12, 2013

Upcycled Shoe Box

 Handsome Rob is not just another pretty face.  This man is a wood working machine.  Someday, I should take the time to photograph and brag on some of the very cool things he has created around our house.

 I have a tendency to collect garbage discarded treasures from the side of the road.  He has a tendency to roll his eyes, but then allow me to store such treasures in his garage.  Every once in awhile, we collaborate forces and create something awesome together.

The wood for this project was originally a neighbor's fence.  We built it into a giant birdhouse/playhouse for the girls to romp around in the garden.  They didn't really play with it, so I tore it down one morning so I could make a piece of art for the living room.  (You can see that crafty delight in a previous post from a few days ago, my daughters are sporting mustaches in the foreground.)  Rob used the remaining scraps to build this beauty.
 I thought it needed a little extra personality.  I saw an old Converse shipping crate, and was close to copying that image.  Since I'm the only one in this family that sports the Chuck Taylors, I thought we'd just come up with our own brand.

 Before winter, I'm hoping we can come up with a coordinating coat rack/shelf piece to hang above it.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Killer Whales Win Again!

 I'm really trying to do some catching up here....
June was all about swim team, Maggie's second year with the neighborhood pool.  We'd be at the pool at 10:30 every morning for practice, and we usually hung out there all day.  Pool rats, if you will.  These are some pictures from the last meet.  We went all out with the red hair paint, the intimidation factor is huge among the 6 and under age group, as you can imagine.

They have a big pizza banquet at the end of the season, including a nice, big trophy that wasn't as impressive to her this year, "everybody gets one, you don't really have to do anything." 
 I love that this kid is 6 years old, and she gets it.  If they gave out McDonald's fry coupons for the heat winner like they did at the Elk's Meet at Westside, that would be a different story.

Summer Bucket List 2013- #9 Bike Riding

Magario and Libigi

Uncle Danny was kind enough to give us his Nintendo Wii at the beginning of the summer.  Eventually, I got around to hooking it up and letting these two nutballs play a little bit.  Danny gave us a stack of games, but these two only play Super Mario Bros.  (and they call it "bros", not brothers.)  
We have also discovered that Netflix carries the Super Mario Bros. Show, circa 1989.  The other day, I was perfecting my role as supermomio, and let them watch 4 hours of this program.  (In case you are thinking of turning me in to child services, this was only one day, and Maggie not only plays the Wii, she also READS THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL. ) 

They even choreographed a dance routine to match the opening of the show.  
And, in case you were wondering....the answer is yes, they wear their mustaches out of the home, to the grocery store, library, the art center for crafts, picking apples by the railroad tracks, and wherever else our day happens to take us.  

Game Over.