Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Class Kiddos

Yesterday was a big day in the Austin household...for the first time, everyone was headed to school except Mom!

Here's Maggie on her first "official" day of KINDERGARTEN!!!!  Does she look ready, or what?!  (Do you think I have enough tags on her so that she doesn't get lost in the bus shuffle?)  This kid is so confident and proud, and so is her momma!  She climbed up those giant bus steps and never looked back... to see that Mom was smiling and little sister was bawling.  (Nothing a little apple juice and a quick 10 minutes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse couldn't fix!)

And Libby got to go to preschool for the first time!  She only cried a little when I peeled her off of me and ran out the door, thank you, ahead of time, wonderful preschool teachers!!!

Love my school kids!

1 comment:

Bibs said...

SO GREAT! Go get 'em Maggie, never lose that confidence!