Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sicky Chickies

We ALMOST made it all the way through winter, and daddy's chemo, without bringing home anything nasty.  Maggie started the stomach flu on Friday afternoon, and passed it on to Libby.  These kids don't get sick much (knock on wood!), but when they do, they are good at it.  Maggie can puke in a bucket like a champ.  Not a drop any where else.  This is a very useful skill.  Her college roommates will appreciate this talent for sure.  
  Libby is an incredibly pleasant child when she doesn't feel well.  She doesn't have the energy to whine and cry  and kick and fuss like she does every other day of her healthy two-year old life.  
Rob and I somehow did not get any of these flu symptoms. Believe it or not, it was a wonderful Saturday!

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