Thursday, December 22, 2011

My many faces, featuring guest blogger Libby Austin

 That mean.
 That happy.
 That surprise!
That tired.

Pullen Park is Re-opened!!!

 But beware, they put some extra juice on the merry-go-round...that sucker is really moving!

Christmas Crap

I'm not as bah-humbug as the title makes me seem.  It was just the first thing that popped into my head.  At first, I pushed it back a little and tried for 10 seconds to think of something punny, but then that seemed like too much effort.  So, here is a little of the NC Austins Christmas Crap:
 Helping Daddy make ginger bread for the ginger bread house.  (I told him they sell a $9.99 kit for this type of project at every drug store.) 

Bedtime stories by the light of the tree.

And cross decorating cookies off the list!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Catching up

 Thanksgiving-  TT and Jeromeo came over for some smoked turkey.  
Fun with TT

 Working on decking the halls...poor Libby, we bought a scrawny old pre-lit fake tree the year she was born, and have been lighting the pine scented candle ever since.
 Our elf on the shelf, Herbie, was impressed with Libby's recent potty successes.

And while we're catching up....we've touched base with some family and friends about Rob's situation, but here's the quick update.  He was diagnosed with testicular cancer back in July, and had surgery to remove the tumor.  His monitoring CAT scan last week showed that the cancer had spread into his abdomen.  He's starting chemo on Monday, so keep him in your prayers.  

Destination Christmas

The Cheney Clan celebrated Christmas in style this year.  All of Grandma and GB's descendants and their spouses gathered at the happiest place on earth....and it lived up to it's name!!!  
 This is only half of us!
(the photogenic half of course, HA!)
 GB and the shorties riding the train at Downtown Disney
 All the grandkids at Mickey's All Star Sports Resort

 All the nerds checking out the maps.

 Maggie, Aunt Kelly, and Alex on the carousel.

 Parade fun at the Magic Kingdom
TT and Uncle Donald

 Quick nap before the show.

We were too busy having a great time to really get that many great pictures, so there's not a lot of proof, but man did we have fun!  Thanks Grandma and GB!