Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween Hangover, not.

So, when I walked Maggie into school late on Monday morning, one of her teachers asked if we had a Halloween Hangover.  I wish.

We were all in the family truckster, stopped at a stop sign, about a half mile from Maggie's preschool.  A 17 year old girl, apparently following her GPS, took a right turn way too late, and smashed us.  Thank God noone was hurt, but we were all pretty shaken up. 

Please drive carefully. 
Although this is probably the only way to get Rob to buy a new van, I didn't really want one that bad.
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1 comment:

Chris Bagley said...

Dude, your flippin' wheel is off of the ground. I hope that kid is grounded for the rest of her senior year!