Sunday, November 1, 2009

October's over....

Daddy and Maggie were enjoying lunch while rooting on the Steelers last weekend.

Touchdown Steelers!!!!
All ready for her Halloween party at preschool. Sleeping Beauty was wide-awake and ready to party!!

All ready for trick-or-treat- Maggie, and two of her friends (all born within a week of each other!) Emily is the monkey, she's our neighbor's granddaughter, and Emma is the lady bug, a new friend that Maggie and Daddy met at the neighborhood playground. Next time you talk to Rob, ask him when the next playdate is.

This was our attempt to compete with Will's pumpkins. You can't tell from this picture, but Troy Polamolu has some long black hair flowing in the back of his melon. I mean gourd.
Stay tuned for some short video footage of some of our Halloween fun, including pumpkin rolls, Halloween parading, and preschool partying.


gb/grandma said...

What a fun looking bunch. Hope they got alot of candy.

Chris Bagley said...

OMG - they are so cute in their matching Steelers jerseys. And love the new background (hot blog, hot blog, hot bliggity blog)!