Thursday, October 22, 2009

'Whole Lotta Happy'

We hit the state fair on Monday. It was a great day to go, nice and cool weatherwise, and not too much of a crowd when you go in the morning. Would you believe that the only thing we ate was a funnel cake?!?!

Rob and Maggie posing with the safety barrel man. (Local celebrity)
Honey, I shrunk the beast.

Loved this sign- don't know if all of you are familiar with Chik-fil-A, a favorite fast food joint among the Austin girls. Their advertisements always have cows in them, trying to convince you to eat more chicken.

"Really, only one funnel cake? Where'd that double chin come from, and how close are you to out-weighing your husband?"
I told Rob I should play the midway game where the guy guesses your birthday, weight, etc. Rob said, " You wouldn't have a chance. These guys are trained professionals. Look around, these guys have a lot of experience with fat people."

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