Tuesday, August 18, 2009

created a (creative) monster

Last week, we had to have stars hanging from the ceiling. Yesterday, she needed wheels on. "I want to be a racing car, Mommy."
Today, "I want to scrub something." She says this as she scrubs the pantry door with MY toothbrush. Even for a pretty crafty mom, I'm starting to struggle with some of the things this kid comes up with. At least if she suggests something beyond what cardboard and scissors can create, I know we can always fall back on jell-o or brownies, she asks to make these about every other day. Who can argue with that?

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gb/grandma said...

Doesn't look like she should be scrubbing, but ready for a party. I see Children's services being called!

Aunt Cheryl said...

Send her to my house!!!!!