Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring Break?

The Austins had a very fun and exciting Easter weekend/Spring Break- if we can call it that, because we didn't have anything to break from, but we'll celebrate with anyone who does!!!  The Daugherty's stopped by on Good Friday on their way to the beach in SC.  (We're hoping the weather was not as ugly for them this week as it looked on the radar pretty much every day.)  We had a great sunny, warm day to play outside, hunt some eggs, color some eggs, and catch up.  Maggie thought it was Christmas- when she woke up she had three friends standing in the kitchen to greet her!  Better than Christmas for this lonely only child- (but not for long- her baby brother or sister will be joining the madness in mid-November!  I'm trying to see who's reading this blog- word is out on the street, but not everywhere, yet!!)

Uncle Donald drove down from Pittsburgh, and Ti-Ti came over, too!  I think they even had more fun than usual since there were more little friends to play with!

On Saturday afternoon, we went over to a little Easter egg hunt/mini carnival.  It was very fun, because they had a 'jumpoline'.  ( Maggie has a fabulous knack of making up words that seem like they really should exist.  Kapow=Ketchup  and a Jumpoline is any kind of blow up fun bag for kids to bounce on.)

Maggie and Uncle Donald on the jumbo slide

The fun with Uncle Donald never stops!!

Easter morning- Ti-Ti and Uncle Donald tried to help her find her basket, she eventually sniffed it out, and had all the candy eaten before naptime!  (There's a reason people go to church on Easter Sunday- to stop the kids from eating candy, if only for 1 hour!)

Ti-Ti's rocking her spring break this week- we met her at the zoo yesterday and had a great time.  It's about halfway for both of us, so it was perfect.  Willy the polar bear is still swimming in circles, the baboons must have been filming 'Primates Gone Wild', and Maggie's favorite thing was the stinking playground.  

So that's what's been happening in the 'peak of good living' lately- we're looking forward to breaking out the t-shirts and shorts this weekend, and hoping that the 70's decide to stick around for the next couple of weeks!  


G.A.S. said...

Congratulations on your upcoming addition!

Love ya,


melissa said...

i heart maggies made up words--i'm thinking of teaching lil "popcools" 'cause really why isn't that the word for them?