Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Snow Day!!!

We haven't seen this much snow (at least 6 inches!) since we bought this house! We had a great snow day, today. When Maggie stepped out into it, she shouted, "Happy Holidays!" It reminded me of the Frosty the Snowman movie when Frosty comes to life and yells "Happy Birthday!"

We did some sledding at the high school hill and discovered that the little hill off of our patio is a pretty sweet ride, too. The snow was too fluffy, so no snowman, yet! (Just be patient, Uncle Donald, we'll show you how it's done!) Nobody had to work today, so we had lots of fun, and we're looking at most of the morning off tomorrow because of some icy roads. Then it's supposed to be in the 60's on Friday, so we're going to enjoy it while we can!!


Bibs said...

These pictures are great! Seriously, she just keeps getting cuter. Love the one of just her and her hat!

gb/grandma said...

we loved that one too.
She looks like she ate alot of snow!!!