Friday, January 30, 2009

Here We Go Steelers,

Touchdown, Steelers!!!

Wavin the Terrible Towl
We're ready for a BIG WIN.....Uncle Craig sent us some 'Steelers Smiley Cookies' from the EatnPark, and we've eaten one for every Steelers Touchdown, do you think 12 will be enough to Crush the Cards????

Here We Go!!!!

These pictures are from the last couple of play-off Sundays, we're getting all pumped up for SuperBowl Sunday, Go Steelers!!!
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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Snow Day!!!

We haven't seen this much snow (at least 6 inches!) since we bought this house! We had a great snow day, today. When Maggie stepped out into it, she shouted, "Happy Holidays!" It reminded me of the Frosty the Snowman movie when Frosty comes to life and yells "Happy Birthday!"

We did some sledding at the high school hill and discovered that the little hill off of our patio is a pretty sweet ride, too. The snow was too fluffy, so no snowman, yet! (Just be patient, Uncle Donald, we'll show you how it's done!) Nobody had to work today, so we had lots of fun, and we're looking at most of the morning off tomorrow because of some icy roads. Then it's supposed to be in the 60's on Friday, so we're going to enjoy it while we can!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas passed

The holiday whirlwind has come to an end. We got back Friday night from our two weeks plus of celebrations with family and friends. I thought I was taking a lot of good pictures, but as usual, most of them are of the kid. And even though we celebrated three Christmases, Maggie now seems to be even more wound up like the proverbial Christmas clock. I fear that we are really going to be in trouble with the terrible twos. Today, while I was changing her diaper, she refused to sit still. I told her if she wiggled again, I would have to crack her hiney. While I had hold of her ankles in the air, she shook her little tush and said in a very lovely, mimicking voice, "Wiggle! Wiggle!"

1st 'Christmas' of 2008 in Apex.

Griz and Maggie both liked the train.

Cooking dinner with Mickey at her new kitchenette.

Order up for Daddy!

Up to Pittsburgh, good thing she got a little practice in the kitchen before we headed up. Now she's a pro, helping Grandma!!
The Pittsburgh Austins have been kind enough to welcome more than their fair share of Cheneys into their home these last couple of weeks. We brought Dawn up with us, and she hitched the rest of the way to Ohio the next afternoon with Donald, who is now in Pittsburgh, staying in Rob's room while he tries to find an apartment, or a realtor with half a brain, whichever comes first.

Admiring the tree, pretty impressive, even without presents under it!
Looking snazzy on Christmas morning!

Pittsburgh Grandma and Grandpa

We stopped for a night in Chagrin Falls, just outside of Cleveland. My friend Janeen and her family were celebrating their third child's 1st birthday. It was nice to finally meet Wade, and to see how much Aubree and Drew had grown since we last saw them. I wish we could have stayed longer, because it was a lot of fun while we were there!
Final holiday destination, Cridersville, OH

Will and Maggie, during a 1 minute window at which Maggie is not grabbing him.

We had a great time visiting everyone, thanks to all for EVERYTHING! It was nice to see all the Cheneys together, even though I didn't post any pictures, everyone was present. There was a ton of things to write about, but we'll save it for another day- I'm done!!
Happy New Year to all!