Monday, October 27, 2008

Couple weeks behind....

I'm a couple of weeks behind, but here you go anyway!  2 weeks ago Pittsburgh Gamma and Grandpa came down to NC to visit.

Playing with Maggie's kitty friend, who we've been calling Thomas, but who is actually named J.J. according to the kids he follows to school.

Visiting Daddy's work.
Playing "Pullen Park" or swinging with Grandpa.

Carousel at Pullen Park.
I think we must be showing off for Gamma and Grandpa here.

I've got alot of stuff going on this week- but I've got a few more pictures to upload, hopefully I'll get to it soon.  Maggie got her first 'professional' haircut on Friday.  It looks so cute, I'm mad at myself for not doing it sooner.  She sat there so well and didn't even have to be bribed with a lollipop, even though she got one when it was over!!  


gb/grandma said...

she looks pretty old in the picture with the hat! Pageant time!

JoeBird said...

Make those Minnie and Cat pictures in faded color and I swear that is Jen 30 halloweens ago!! Too Cute