Monday, September 29, 2008

Happy Fall Y'all

Last week, fall officially arrived, and it felt like it! We had the AC off and the jeans on!! And I'm convinced it's the pants that are making Maggie look like she's grown in just the last couple of days. She is growing up so damn fast. She repeats everything she hears, and it all sinks in, too. Last Sunday, we were watching the Steelers, and I asked her if she thought her cousins were watching. Then she says, "Macey? Mallo?". She's only spent a few days with them in August, and she knows that they are cousins, not just friends. We were at Target the other day, and we overheard some kids in a different aisle talking about Hotwheels. ( We weren't anywhere near the toys.) And I said, "You don't know what Hotwheels are." And she says, "Hotwheels. Racecars." We might be raising a true southerner. She's a riot.

She's been interested in the potty lately, too. She wants to sit on it all the time, but never when she actually has to go. The other day, I was trying to sweep the kitchen floor, and I knew she was getting into something.... I ran into the bathroom just as she was FALLING INTO THE TOILET, with her clothes on. I caught her in time for her not to be scared to death of the throne, but not fast enough to save her from getting soaked. Never a dull moment here!