Friday, May 2, 2008

pickin berries

We went to the strawberry patch this morning, and really did a lot better than Jen was expecting. Jean's Berry Patch probably should have weighed Maggie before and after her 'picking' to make sure they charged us enough. It was a perfect day to pick, lots of sun, no bugs, and not too hot, yet. The kids had a great time and we actually picked almost 6lbs of berries!! Maggie and Jack probably ate 3lbs between them.

Maggie is admiring her first pedicure- hot pink!!

First attempt at corn on the cob- a new favorite. Hopefully there will be some video on this as well, assuming I get around to it in the next couple of days!!

We also want to mention that Maggie's new cousin, Will, entered the world Thursday night, May 1st. He's doing great and so are his Mommy and Daddy. He's got a head full of dark curly hair and looks a lot like his Daddy. We can't wait to meet him- we saw lots of good pictures and even got to see him sleeping on the webcam. Maggie was thrilled to see "baby! baby! baby!"

1 comment:

gb/grandma said...

How cute!! She looks so grown up. What fun.