Saturday, April 12, 2008


We went to NC State's annual plant sale at the arboretum this morning. Maggie had a good time walking around, smelling the flowers, and looking at the goofy gardening crowd. We went to the farmer's market for a little while, too. (Rob has spring fever with the planting, but didn't find whatever he was looking for.) We got a little bit of fun in before it started raining for the third Saturday in a row. It's all cleared up, now, though. Maggie's napping, Rob's playing wiffle ball with the neighbors, and Jen is mostly just putzing around. (She should be thinking about cooking dinner- might be a pizza night!!) Enjoy some photos from today and yesterday!!


gb/grandma said...

gb likes the picture that looks like she has spiked hair!!!

gb/grandma said...

gb said she needs shin guards. the picture of her with the popscicle up close shows her legs all scraped. Does grandma need to call CHildren's services???