Friday, January 24, 2014

2013 Christmas Collection

The Christmas season began with the day after Thanksgiving. Gamma and Grandfather came down for turkey and as soon as we were out of our comas, we went out hunting for a Christmas tree.  

We had lots of fun at the tree farm trying to pick a winner.  There were lots of distractions, though, the bounce house, the playground, a hayride, and even a Santa sighting. 
We found a good one, and got to work right away stringing the lights.

These two got all cozied up for the season's first screening of Rudolph.  PJ's on, stuffed Rudy and 'Grease' (that's Libanese for Clarice) on their laps, and the giant dancing canes in their hands.  Herbie, our elf on the shelf, was really sneaky and left these big candy canes at our door one night.  They were perfect for all of the dance performances that occurred throughout the holiday season.  Libby knows the words to just about every holiday song on the radio, and she's not afraid to use them.  (It is January 24th as I'm finally sitting down to record this, and she's still singing "Here Comes Santa Claus".)  They take after their very talented mother, just ask Cheri Morris about my awesome Frosty the Snowman dance in first grade.  It was unforgettable.

NC Austins gathered around the hearth.  
We were on our way to a Christmas party hosted by one of Rob's co-workers.  Kids were invited, but of course, we were the only ones to bring ours. They were very well behaved, and had only their fair share of M&Ms and Christmas cookies.  However, on our way out, as Rob and I were saying our good byes, the kids were standing at the storm door drawing all kinds of lovely pictures where the glass was all fogged up.  Rob's buddy, Wes, was just standing there watching and smiling.

This was one random picture from Libby's Christmas sing-a-long at preschool.  I think the video is posted up in the corner under 'videos'.  There isn't any hair pulling or tree falling down, so even if you are related to this little angel, you probably have better things to watch on your computer.  But she is a pretty good little singer.  

Twitterfacetagram and Libby turns 4

Smart, beautiful, precious, hilarious Libby turned four years old almost two months ago.  The fancy camera decided to be broken after about three pictures, but luckily, Libby's wonderful mother finally got a smart phone a few days earlier.  Two months later, we are seeing these photos emerge from that phone.  Sorry that I am not involved with Twitterfacetagram, or these pics might have been available much closer to the celebration.  We're working on it, okay.
Libby had a feline theme- cat cake, lots of cats and cat print presents.  She had to ride the cat on the carousel, you get the picture.   We had a great day playing on the playground, riding the train and the boats and the carousel at the park.  Daddy brought everyone Chikfila and GB made homemade ice cream to go with the cake.