Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Doggone Good Weekend!!

I can't believe this little blue-eyed monster is already ONE YEAR OLD!!!
It seems like she was a baby for about three months, and then all of the sudden she's sitting up, crawling, walking, RUNNING, JUMPING in leaves?!?!?!  

Grandma and GB made the 10 hour trip down, even though we're going to see them again in a week or so. TT even came over from Charlotte for some puppy chow.  And my good friend Gabby came over all the way from Cary, hehehe!   (They know we throw such an awesome party, I guess they just couldn't miss it.) 


Since Libby is crazy for canines, we did it doggie style.  
Hot dogs, puppy chow, bone shaped cheese slices, dog hats and balloon animals!  And when you scroll down and see what the birthday girl did to the cake, you'll understand why we didn't send anyone home with a doggie bag, sorry Gabs!!!

"She ate the smile....whaaaaaaa!!!!!"

Checking out a great new book from Gamma and Grandfather

Beater Eaters,
 and would you believe it's not a dessert that they are licking?  This is proof that every once in awhile, I make mashed potatoes that don't come from a pouch.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween Hangover, not.

So, when I walked Maggie into school late on Monday morning, one of her teachers asked if we had a Halloween Hangover.  I wish.

We were all in the family truckster, stopped at a stop sign, about a half mile from Maggie's preschool.  A 17 year old girl, apparently following her GPS, took a right turn way too late, and smashed us.  Thank God noone was hurt, but we were all pretty shaken up. 

Please drive carefully. 
Although this is probably the only way to get Rob to buy a new van, I didn't really want one that bad.
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B.C. (before candy)

     Here are our little trick or treaters, ready for action.  Maggie the rocket head (ode to Mr. Walker of Horace Mann Elementary fame) and Libby as Ham the astrochimp, who incidentally, spent a portion of his retirement at the North Carolina Zoo.  (There's your something new today.)
Imagine I was good at, and had time for photoshop.....  Libby's cloud would read, "What? This holiday is all about candy?  That's even better than all of these pumpkins I keep seeing!" 
 Maggie's cloud would say, "Just wait. Ginormous amounts of candy!"

 There they go.  
Libby hung for a few houses, Maggie attempted to keep up with all of her pals who are twice her age, and had a little more agility in their costumes.  She hung in there pretty well, until the rocket had more than one crash landings trying to be the first one to the doorbell.

It was a pretty good first Halloween!!
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