Saturday, April 24, 2010


Thought it might be about time to post some pictures of the actual family members who made the trek to NC for Easter.  It was a great weekend, just about all the Cheney clan was in the house.  A special thank you to the Florida Cheneys, who made the long drive up from Tampa with a toddler and a two week old babe.  (Yeah, thank you.  For making us look bad and ruining our excuse for not driving back to Ohio for Christmas because our baby was ONLY 2 MONTHS old!) 

Will and Maggie creating masterpieces on the deck
Ready to find some eggs (actually just one, and some strategically planted baseballs)
Alex and Libber
Obviously, when Will talks, the ladies listen.
Gotta go...naptime is over!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Duke of Squirrel, ?.?.2010- Apr. 4, 2010

 Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning,  Uncle Donald came unto the resting place, bringing the bananas which Uncle Donald had prepared, and certain others with them.  And Uncle Donald found the pine cone rolled away from the resting place. And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus, but the body of the Duke of Squirrel. And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed.
LDuke 24, 1-4
Apollo, Duke of Squirrel, you came to us on Good Friday, which really was a Great Friday!  You made us laugh.  You made us cry, (we were laughing so hard.)  You bit fingers and apples, and you stole our hearts.  Thank you for making this a very special Easter weekend, one we will never forget.  May you rest in peace.