Wednesday, February 24, 2010

La Princesa tiene tres anos


Suddenly, our little princess is three years old!!  GB, Grandma, and TT made their way to the royal kingdom of Austinland for an all day birthday celebration- princess style, of course!
Libby having a good time with Grandma

Libby reading one of Maggie's new books to Daddy and big sis

a little pre-party dancing

a little pre-party napping

some more dancing...then Dawn and I loaded on our necklaces, rings, and crowns and headed to pick up some pizzas in her new jeep!

Party pictures.
We picked up Prince Charming at the airport on Friday morning.  Maggie thought nothing of it, "why wouldn't GB be dressed as a prince?"  But I was laughing so hard it hurt.

Grandma thought it would be fun to go out to eat somewhere where they would sing to the birthday girl.  Apparently, lots of people go out to eat on Saturday night- who knew?  We made our way back to our Mexican standby, and it turned out to be a great place to celebrate a birthday!  Everyone sings, the birthday girl gets to wear a sombrero, and they top it all off with a giant bowl of fried ice cream!!  Ole!!
Maggie even commented that the people at the table beside us were talking about Handy Manny.  (Actually, they were just speaking in Spanish. We pride ourselves on exposing our children to the different cultures of the world.)

a little bit of the new spring line here in Apex

Winding down, or Weekend at Bernie's?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tea Party Movement

Two sisters, sharing tea. No politics, please.

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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

'Snow big deal....

Our big winter storm, 2010, hit last Friday night with great big snow flakes that started accumulating pretty fast!  As soon as Maggie woke up Saturday morning, she was ready to tackle the white stuff.  It sleeted all morning, but that didn't stop her and Daddy from having multiple good times in the wintery mix!  And of course, every time she came back inside, Mommy and Libby were ready with the hot chocolate!

I'm pretty impressed with the fact that both of my girls actually look prepared for snow this time!  Maggie is wearing real snow boots and snow pants, and an actual winter coat fit for sledding!!  Even Libby is sporting the little snuggly sno-gear!
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Daddy and Maggie on the 'big' hill.  After discovering the nice incline over at Apex HS, Maggie didn't want to even bother trying to have fun with the snow in our yard.  Look out Cedar Point and Kennywood- we're hitting one or both of these this summer!  Get ready, Uncle Donald!!

And today, the snow is still here, and being rained on.  School has been cancelled for the second day in a row, but we are hopeful that preschool will be back in session on Thursday.  If not, we may have to move even further south.  I am reminded of how dreary weather makes me a little crazy.  There will definitely be some baking done this afternoon....what else are we supposed to be doing when we are stuck inside?!?!?!?!