Tuesday, January 19, 2010

2 Months old already!!

Time seems to be passing even faster with this little girl!  She turned 2 months on the 12th, and is already wearing 6-9 month size clothes!  We go to the Dr. on Thursday to see how much the baby beast weighs!!  She's spending her days watching her big sister in non-stop motion, and smiling a lot!!  She sticks out her tongue and acts like she wants to talk already.  (I don't know if I can handle another non-stop mouth in this house!!!!)

Grandma and GB flew down 2 weekends ago- it was freezing outside, but we had a lot of fun indoors!

Not sure who was cracking up who (or whom- I totally missed that day in Mrs. Waller's class.)

Grandma and her granddaughters

Mom and the girls, getting ready to play outside for a little bit.