Sunday, December 19, 2010

Just ring the bell four times!

Since we'll be doing some traveling in the next week, I asked Maggie if she thought we could get Santa to come to our house a little early, you know, maybe give him a call, or shoot him an email?  "That's a good idea, Mommy," she said.  "But you don't have to do any of that, just ring this bell four times, then he'll come."  So, that's what we did, and it works!

We bundled up and took a little winter walk down to the playground, since we didn't have any snow to play with.  

Sister Squeeze!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

"There's a BLANKET of snow in the backyard!"

When you're raised in the south, ANY amount of snow is exciting.  
The "blanket" was a very slight dusting. (But a snow day was declared last night!)
 And obviously, we don't really know how to properly dress for this cold.

 A little bit of Christmas cookie decorating, just in case Santa decides to stop by.  Hope he likes lots of sugar and "red hotties!"   What a great way to end a day spent in pajamas!

Monday, December 13, 2010

A Couple of Turkeys

So, I'm only a few weeks behind.  These are pics from our Thanksgiving trip up north.

Gamma and Grandfather provided excellent baby-sitting service while Rob and I attended the wedding of one of his oldest friends.  

Will the real Dr. Austin please step forward?

Then it was over to        O                         -        H             -    I    -    O
  (not sure what happened to the other two grandkids)

 We hadn't been up since summer, and Grandma and GB had hit the garage sales hard....lots of new dress up clothes, enough for an entire fashion show.  

Maggie-3 1/2, Libby-1, William-2 1/2, Alexander-8 months

And this was supposed to be the scene for our Christmas card this year.  Maggie has never cared for Santa Claus...probably because of the "he sees you when you're sleeping", or maybe that smug little 'elf on the shelf' who is always tattling back to Santa when she's been naughty.  So, I figured her sister would follow suit, and I would be able to get them both sitting with Santa, most likely crying or looking scared to death.  Then my caption underneath the close up of two kids not enjoying Santa at all would say, "Claustrophobia".
Hilarious.  Right?  Didn't happen.  We'll see if any Christmas cards even get sent this year.  If I had the skill and patience for photoshop, I would have figured something out, maybe next year. 

                              I said a couple of turkeys.

 Libby, enjoying a special birthday cake prepared by her big sister, via the Easy Bake Oven.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Doggone Good Weekend!!

I can't believe this little blue-eyed monster is already ONE YEAR OLD!!!
It seems like she was a baby for about three months, and then all of the sudden she's sitting up, crawling, walking, RUNNING, JUMPING in leaves?!?!?!  

Grandma and GB made the 10 hour trip down, even though we're going to see them again in a week or so. TT even came over from Charlotte for some puppy chow.  And my good friend Gabby came over all the way from Cary, hehehe!   (They know we throw such an awesome party, I guess they just couldn't miss it.) 


Since Libby is crazy for canines, we did it doggie style.  
Hot dogs, puppy chow, bone shaped cheese slices, dog hats and balloon animals!  And when you scroll down and see what the birthday girl did to the cake, you'll understand why we didn't send anyone home with a doggie bag, sorry Gabs!!!

"She ate the smile....whaaaaaaa!!!!!"

Checking out a great new book from Gamma and Grandfather

Beater Eaters,
 and would you believe it's not a dessert that they are licking?  This is proof that every once in awhile, I make mashed potatoes that don't come from a pouch.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.