Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Day of School

We started off on the right foot for our first day of preschool. We were all excited, had our new sneakers (or soccer shoes as Maggie calls them) on, new book bag in hand, ready to go! When we got to school, it seemed like most of the other kids were crying (she's the ONLY girl in the class, 8 boys and Maggie!) But Maggie walked right in and sat down at the table and started coloring,
hardly even saying good-bye to Mommy. So Mommy walks out of there feeling proud, no worries about leaving her baby. No guilt. Then I came back after just an hour later, still feeling like we both ROCK. I stood in the hall with the other mothers, who were wringing their hands and talking about how hard the last hour had been, since they left their boys crying. One of the teachers came out and asked how we were all doing, she said that most of the kids cried most of the entire time, but it was all good. I piped out that I was doing great and ready for the kids to be there for the entire 2 1/2 hours! Then they revoked my mother of the year award when I walked in and saw that Maggie was sobbing and red eyed and seemed to be the only one crying at this point. She said she was sad because she didn't know when her mommy was coming back. She said she had a good time, we'll see what happens when we go again on Thursday. I probably should cry when I leave her next time, or at least feel a little bit guilty, then maybe I'll get that MOTY award back!

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PS- check out the new video to the right, entitled Cinderella