Tuesday, August 18, 2009

created a (creative) monster

Last week, we had to have stars hanging from the ceiling. Yesterday, she needed wheels on. "I want to be a racing car, Mommy."
Today, "I want to scrub something." She says this as she scrubs the pantry door with MY toothbrush. Even for a pretty crafty mom, I'm starting to struggle with some of the things this kid comes up with. At least if she suggests something beyond what cardboard and scissors can create, I know we can always fall back on jell-o or brownies, she asks to make these about every other day. Who can argue with that?

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Uncle Joe's Wedding

The NC Austins took a road trip up north last week to escape the heat and humidity. We also thought it might be fun to celebrate the wedding of Uncle Joe and Aunt Erin! We managed to squeeze in a couple of days in Pittsburgh, too, just in case Maggie would not get enough grandparent's spoilage from our visit to Ohio.

First stop, Pittsburgh- got to play some ball with Gamma.

Cheney kids after rehearsing.

Uncle Joe had us over for a cook-out on Friday night. We had a nice relaxing time, and Uncle Joe did some nice work with his new grill- thanks for having us over, Uncle Joe!! And thanks to Fun Bobby for letting us slide into the Bay Village Pool, we had a nice sunny day romping around the kiddie side of the pool.

Cheney boys- 2 down, one to go!!

Mr. and Mrs. Cheney!

The Seibel clan

Cheney kids fancy

Bill and Jan with the bride and groom


Cheneys south

And the prettiest girl at the dance....

Will and Maggie at the beach? Lake Erie.

Having fun in Pittsburgh!!