Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Blog for AUG

We're back from a great trip to the Green Mountain State- that's Vermont to the non-Jeopardy crowd. The grand occasion(s) was Rob's cousin Bridget's marriage ceremony(s) to Raj. We began our vacation with a weekend pack full of wonderful wedding events at the very beautiful Riverside Farms near Killington, VT. The farm was incredible, as well was the weather, food, and company!

We got to spend some quality time with the Pittsburgh and Colorado Austins, which was so much fun, but it makes us all sad to know how rarely this bonding occurs. WE MISS THEM ALL SO MUCH, ALREADY!!!!

I'm going to attempt a slide show of pictures from the weekend- including the 'sleek' sheik wedding, Macey's 3rd, 3rd birthday party, a visit to a working Vermont farm, and a little hanging around the fabulous Killington Grande Resort. Everyone say "Vermont Cheddar', there were plenty of Kodak moments! ENJOY!

Slide show was taking too long for my impatient self- here are the photos!

"Well, I thought it was a marvelous party." "I particularly enjoyed the cake."

Friday, August 8, 2008

I lied...

Well...... I told Gamma on Monday that I'd have a short video of this wild little guppie diving into the pool. I did get a short video edited, but I keep forgetting to ask Daddy to link it up for us. Sorry, Gamma- coming soon to a theater near you!!! (You might be watching it live before I get around to it, though!!!)

These pics are from last weekend. Maggie got some new headphones so she can listen to Mommy's ipod and maybe watch some Barney movies on the plane? I thought they were really cute, and I'm excited that she likes having them on. We liked them so much, we sent some to the cousins out in CO, hoping it will help ease the 4 hour plane trip next week!

She's saying 'cheese' here. It's getting to be a much lovelier smile, but I'm not sure why the eyes are always closed?

Thought this caught the coppertone hiney pretty well. She gets pretty wild in the bathtub now, too. First 2 rows, you will get wet!

One last note......
Aunt (Ti-Ti Peace) Dawn is fast on her way to becoming a North Carolinian!!!
She accepted a teaching job in Kannapolis, NC- which is somewhere around Charlotte! The NC Austins are VERY excited!! They might not know it yet, but we are slowly enticing all of our family members south of the Mason Dixon Line!!! Welcome to NC, Ti-Ti!!!! We love you!!!