Wednesday, July 16, 2008

OH/PA visit

Mommy and Maggie flew up to Ohio for a week back on July 1. Daddy probably won't let his little girl out of his sight for that long for a really long time. Although the girls were thoroughly entertained all week, Daddy was pretty lonely.

Grandma, Will, and Maggie

Making sure cousin Will's piggies are all accounted for.

Hugs not Drugs

Hanging with Uncle Donald

Hanging with Uncle Danny

Tea party- I think Maggie was asking the baby if she had her written invitation

Would you believe- Maggie's first sno-cone

and first cotton candy

GB and Grandma

Playground with TT

It took her a long time to realize that Grandma's lap is something that you have to share.

Uncle Donald is Maggie's favorite. (When you don't have a job, you have a lot of time to play!)
Just kidding- you're my favorite, too, Donald!!

We know TT's strategy for getting Maggie to love her!!

Fun at the new pool by Grandma andGB's

Maggie might like Cedar Point as much as her Mommy!!!

Maggie did great with all of her traveling. She was excited to see her Daddy in Pittsburgh, almost jumping out of her car seat when she saw him. Gamma and 'Gumpa' had all kinds of fun things lined up- bubbles and popcools!!

We had great weather for fun at the pool!! We were starting to get used to the country club life!!

Story time!

Kisses good-bye!

We had a great visit with everyone! Thanks for letting us come- it goes way too fast, and as much as we're glad to be home, we miss you all so much already. Can't wait to see everyone again