Thursday, June 19, 2008

Pool Parties

These are photos from the last couple of weekends at the pool. Maggie's really getting comfortable and loving the water. She also just likes to wander around the pool, attempting to try on other people's flip-flops, see what they're snacking on, and basically just be friendly, or nosey- I guess that depends on if you're from the north or from the south.
Several of our neighbors are members, so Maggie has a lot of friends to swim with.

This is a new game she's been playing where she throws animals up in the air. We clap and laugh when they land on their feet. She hasn't been able to catch Griz, yet.

We were working on Father's Day cards here.

The PC doesn't fall far from the tree.
(get it, Daddy?!?!?)

Daddy's ice cream cake for Happy Father's Day- no pictures of the bubble gun-but it was a hit with everyone, too.

We didn't know Daddy could introduce cheerleading skills.

When they blow the whistle, we don't just have to get out of the pool, we also have to have a snack.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Feelin hot, hot, hot!

It's a little too hot to go outside, but everyone wants to...

We've been hitting the pool just about every day, and eating lots of popsicles or 'pop cools' as Maggie calls them.

We've got to try to remember to get some pictures at the pool this weekend. This girl is part fish. And Daddy bought her a new sprinkler this morning, so we might get to play around with that- Maggie's friend Emily is over at her Grandma's today, so there might be some crazy naked girls partying in our backyard later!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

She's non-stop

It's been awhile since we've posted, sorry!
Rob's been finishing up some projects around the house- I should have pulled up some of those pics. This is Maggie, helping Daddy put the finishing touches on the pergola on the patio. She is a very good helper around the house.

Last night we were trying to make a list of all the words she knows and says, that we can actually understand. There were almost 50! Many are food items- pop for popsicle, cookie, cake, banana, and waffle are some. She knows alot of animals- kitty, dog, puppy, duck, 'bok-bok' (chicken), 'moo' (cow), and she does an elephant trunk with her arm. She's mastered no, go, up, down, and my favorite- pool- especially when we drive past it!

And speaking of the pool- she loves it! She wears her water wings and is very brave in the shallow end where she can touch. She probably swallows her wet diaper weight in water every day. And you should see this kid's tan! She's brown, except for the creases in her wrists and ankles!

We've been enjoying the weather recently. May was beautiful, not too hot yet, and always a nice breeze. We're looking at 90's all this week, so we will likely be hitting the pool daily.

Grandma and Uncle Donald were down visiting last weekend. Maggie had a great time with both of them, but especially Uncle Donald! It was very sad when they had to leave, though. Maggie actually understood that they were going bye-bye, and wasn't too happy about it.

I've been doing some stamping- got to get ready for Father's Day!! Maggie loves to help with that, too! When I asked her last night if she wanted to do some stamping, she motioned stamping with her hand on my knee. I was very excited! She gets 'tatoos' stamped on her arms and hands sometimes- another word she knows!!