Sunday, April 20, 2008

She thinks my tractor's sexy

So I finally got around to uploading pictures from last week. I'm beginning to think that the time of day makes a huge difference in the wireless land of the world wide web. You'd have to ask Rob if that even makes any sense. Regardless, it is 5 AM on Sunday and it was the cat, not the kid, that has me up this early. The brain just couldn't go back to sleep at 4AM. Thank you, Griz.

This week, me and Maggie and Jack went to the Farm Animal Days hosted by NCState. Their favorite part was the tractors. Maggie was more interested in the hundreds of kids than she was in the kid (and calfs, and chicks, and foal, and piglets, etc.) We learned that Jen's award winning turkey call does, in fact, work and that Jack is good with chicks. Maggie was a COWard when the holstein mooed, and the wolfpack knows how to make some great ice cream!!!

The weather here has been great- all of the sudden it's pretty hot. Maggie's been sporting her shorts and skirts, so both knees are pretty skinned up. It's a good excuse for the hello kitty bandaids- which she actually hasn't tasted yet. We've been seeing a lot of 'very hungry caterpillars around', got a new big wheel at a garage sale yesterday, and generally enjoy being outside all day. Consider yourself properly updated!!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008


We went to NC State's annual plant sale at the arboretum this morning. Maggie had a good time walking around, smelling the flowers, and looking at the goofy gardening crowd. We went to the farmer's market for a little while, too. (Rob has spring fever with the planting, but didn't find whatever he was looking for.) We got a little bit of fun in before it started raining for the third Saturday in a row. It's all cleared up, now, though. Maggie's napping, Rob's playing wiffle ball with the neighbors, and Jen is mostly just putzing around. (She should be thinking about cooking dinner- might be a pizza night!!) Enjoy some photos from today and yesterday!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

technical difficulties

Having some technical difficulties with uploading the newest video, hopefully Rob can get it together tomorrow! Sorry!

No foolin

It's harder to keep up with this blog than I thought. Can't believe it's already April, March really seemed to do that, march right on by. (See, things seem just a little bit too corny, I feel like I need to put a little more thought into this.) Anyway, we had a low-key weekend. Lots of rain down here, seems like we should be out of the drought by now, looking forward to running through the sprinkler this summer! Me and Maggie went to the pool again yesterday. She had a great time, she's stopped taking her morning nap, so now we can hit all the fun spots at that prime time kid hour- 10AM. There were lots of kids swimming, so she had a lot more fun this time. Then she came home and took a three hour afternoon nap. We are definitely joining the pool this summer!!

Thought we'd slip in some video of story time on Monday night. Maggie's current favorite author is Eric Carle, famous for Brown Bear, Brown Bear, and The Hungry Caterpillar.