Monday, January 28, 2008

Feb.Fri.Nite Crafts

Just wanted to post a pic of my template for February's Friday night craft. It's a CD or DVD holder. I'm going to use mine for a DVD of pictures of Maggie's 1st year in the life. (I cased this fabulous idea from my good friend Traci.) Can't wait to see you girls!!


I wore Maggie out today....we went to this new aquatic center that opened up in October. I don't think she was as impressed as I was. We tried the lap pool first, but the water was pretty cold, even to me. Then we saw that there was a warmer, smaller pool intended for young kids and old ladies. Maggie didn't hate it, but she didn't really have that great of a time today. We learned from a lady in the locker room that all the mothers and children come at 10AM. I think Mags would have enjoyed herself a little more if there were some other shorties around. It turned out that our friend in the locker room was in town for the month visiting her sister. Get this, she's from Essex Junction, Vermont!! Guess who her neighbor is? Our cousin, Paul!! She knew the whole gang, and even attended a Christmas party with Uncle Paul and Aunt Mary! Talk about a small world!

Since the pool made us hungry, we headed over to the new Chipotle for a free burrito. Free burritos must not impress the people in Cary, because the line was hardly even out the door. We only waited 10 minutes, and enjoyed our free burrito, drink, and chips!!! How's that for a great afternoon?????
We might have to take Daddy back for supper!!!!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Yeah, we get excited about this much snow

Snow much fun

MLK weekend

Grandma and GB Cheney were down visiting last weekend. Maggie experienced her first 'winter storm alerts' and 'bitter temperatures' (23 degrees Fahrenheit). Daddy and GB were able to scrape up enough snow (and pine needles and leaves) to put this guy together and Maggie got to ride in her new red sled that Santa brought her in Lima.

New territory

We're stepping into new territory here....blogland. Not sure if we'll be able to get into it and really keep it updated, considering the excitement of life here. If nothing else, the grandparents will catch some photos and videos? of the Magpie, and maybe see what she's been up to lately.